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Physician’s CHOICE Probiotics 60 Billion CFU

Physician’s CHOICE Probiotics 60 Billion CFU – 10 Strains + Organic Prebiotics
Physician’s CHOICE Probiotics 60 Billion CFU is a dietary supplement containing probiotics and organic prebiotics. It is designed to support gut health by providing beneficial bacteria to the digestive system. The "60 Billion CFU" indicates the number of colony-forming units (CFUs) present in each dose, which is a measure of the viable bacteria count. Having 10 strains suggests that the product contains multiple types of beneficial bacteria, which may offer diverse benefits for gut health. Additionally,
Two months’ supply of Max Strength General Probiotics (60 pieces): The purpose of our probiotic is to promote gut and digestive health. An excellent option with 60 billion CFU for people seeking to maintain a varied, healthy microbiome – Probiotics for Both Men and Women.

Encourage Your Innards: Ten different, premium probiotic strains and organic prebiotics are combined in our probiotic to enhance gut health in a synergistic way. Skillfully designed to assist with occasional diarrhea, gas, bloating, and constipation!
Thrives in the Gut: This probiotic is made with the intention of surviving in the stomach and maximizing the colonization of our strains. To do this, we use 60 billion colony forming units (CFU), acid-resistant capsules, and a shelf-stable bottle!
Supported by Science: We base the creation of our probiotics on scientific studies. A network of knowledgeable doctors has joined forces with us to examine our research and goods. We work hard to inform and assist you in making decisions about your health.
Quality and Safety Guaranteed: The potency and purity of our 60B probiotic are independently verified. Using both domestic and international ingredients, each bottle is meticulously crafted in the USA with love and care.
the inclusion of organic prebiotics can serve as food for the probiotics, promoting their growth and activity in the gut. This combination of probiotics and prebiotics aims to help maintain a healthy balance of gut flora, which is essential for digestion, immune function, and overall well-being. As with any supplement, it's essential to consult with a healthcare professional before starting, especially if you have any underlying health conditions or are taking medications.

Physician’s CHOICE Probiotics 60 Billion CFU


Physician’s CHOICE Probiotics 60 Billion CFU
